I pour slow as well, but had not compared case capacities. Kind of ironic circumstances, but when I prepped for delivery of the -70 I purchased WW brass, couple hundred cases. Before the gun was delivered a couple of local jokers passed along....are you ready....a pile of -70 brass, most of it used, and mostly of brands other than WW. I’ve been trying to wear out the old stuff w/ little success. I did pass along some of it to another fella with needs. I only have about 400 pieces left. frown

Off on another tangent, I try to keep compression to about .030” or less, but have gone as far as .080”. Where is your stop sign on that?

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain