Originally Posted by VarmintGuy
I would like to start a free pool with a $20.00 cash prize for the CampFirer who comes "closest" to the calendar date when the anti-American cretin known as "the notorious rbg" no longer is a Supreme Court Justice.
It is simple I will send the CampFirer with the closest guess/entry $20.00 (U.S.), once Ms. ginsburg is no longer a Supreme Court Justice.

I am entering this "contest" myself and I choose December 15th 2,020.

First entering for a particular date by timestamp will qualify.
One entry per CampFirer and no need to inform the I.R.S. of your winnings.
Good luck everyone.
Hold into the wind

Won’t the day she dies be the same day she stops serving on the SCOTUS? Because until then, they’ll wheel her in, with full dialysis.