Originally Posted by 7mmbuster

Originally Posted by bwinters
Thanks for all the "insight". I grew up watching the Pittsburgh Steelers and I'll likely be watching them into old age. If that offends you, please put me on ignore.

Rocky - thank you for the link.

I was a Steeler fan for 45 years. From 1972 I watched every game I could, attended when I could, and spent money on tons of apparel and memorabilia.
That ended in 2017, when they decided that standing for the Anthem and the flag that covered my Dad’s coffin (along with a couple of uncles) was too “controversial”. They hid in the freakin locker room in Chicago, because supporting our country and it’s flag was “too controversial”!!!
Phuq the steelers and Phuq the nfl. They can all suck my veteran dick.

Agree 100% I was a life long NFL fan. I loved everything about it. Watched every week for most of my life. I loved that it was pure and that father and son and brothers and friends could all gather, and forget work or politics or the nagging wife and just enjoy the game. They had to ruin it like everything else now days. There's nothing off limits from politics anymore as long as it's in the public eye. As soon as the flag took a clear backseat to a political agenda, that was it. As a regular guy, I can't win every war. But this is a no brainer.

Progressives are the most open minded, tolerant, and inclusive people on the planet, as long as you agree with everything they say, and do exactly as you're told.