First, after my maternal GF, middle was also my father's middle name he never used, last, of course was my Father's. Since my GF was always called "James, Jim, Jimmy", I only used it in my signature. My middle name was an old Irish generational name spelled old style, "Prentice". Since Texans do not pronounce the "T", It was pronounce "Preniss". So all my young life I had to deal with crap being called "Preston, Princess, Premise, Penis..and so on. When I went in the Army, I went by "Jim". Still do. ha Only my family and a few good friends call me the "P" word. so, when my twin daughters cam along, I gave them their "own names". Nothing hard to pronounce or spell out for strangers, ha. Just a quirk of mine. As hard of a time I had choosing those names, I don't know how some of the Black culture comes up with these names! ha But hey, it's their business, right?