Ken and many others, were part of the John Ford stock company, through the 40s, 50s and 60s. Not many of Ford's films that some or all of them, didn't appear in.

TVs. My dad held off on getting a color TV until the early 1960s. Neighbors had RCAs, but he didn't like them. So we got our first Zenith color TV just in time for the Beatles to appear on Ed Sullivan. Had quite a crowd of my neighborhood friends in for that one. The old man was not amused to have so much company in his living room, just to watch "a bunch of Limey's that couldn't sing and needed haircuts".The old boy was a WWII ETO vet, had dim views of the French and the British.

He was a big fan of the latest/greatest antennas and had to replace whatever we had, with something new and better.We finally put up a three-sided tower on one end of the house, just to gain another ten feet of elevation. Alliance Ten-A-Rotor to adjust the antenna. Then the Zenith Space Command "clicker", for a remote. Used to drive us nuts clicking that damn thing.

If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.