Last night I watched a 3 hour live stream feed from 7 different streaming camera angles on the Federal Courthouse in Portland.

The Fed cops, both HLS and Border Patrol were 1000% professional in every way. They rotated posts around the courthouse giving agents respite from the hotter areas on the fence line where Antifa and the usual ADHD rioting children of non-parenting moms and dads who were trying to force the fence to collapse.

Tear gas was continually being lobbed by the Fed Agents into the many small groups of Antifa fence attackers, only to have the rioters toss the smoking canisters back over the fence to the Feds.

Battery operated leaf blowers were running non-stop on both sides of the fence in an effort to push the smoke onto each other.

No fires were started. No fence was breached. No one got shot with a rubber bullet or non-lethal pepper balls, because the rioters couldn’t do shît with the Fed Agents standing outside, guarding the fence.

The only time the Fed Agents can get good solid hits on targeted Antifa rioters with rubber bullets or pepper balls is when the Agents open the gate and run the rioters down on foot to make arrests...These arrests happen when Antifa tries to play arsonists and light the inside of the fence perimeter on fire...Homeboys in camo and black don’t play that game and make Antifa pay in pain and flex cuffs.

The sad side of the 3 hours was seeing solid men, and a few women agents, constantly getting hit with everything from bags of human or dog shît, road cones, frozen water bottles, and basically anything the rioters wanted to chuck over the fence.

I could also see several lasers hitting Agents right in their goggles, as well as hi-luminous flashlights, set on “disco flash”, pointed into the protective masks of many of the Agents...This seemed to cause a quicker rotation of the Agents, being replaced with someone else.

Absolutely, without question, the men and women who are protecting the Federal Courthouse are professionals, well trained, and on point in this dangerous environment.

Fûck You Ted Wheeler, Eudaly, Hardesty and Governor Cûnt Brown....You all deserve to dangle and spin.


Copied from another thread.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”