The 'MOB' is a fearsome animal and illustrates the human condition when fear of consequences is removed. There seems to be an absence of decency among those that should know better. Young white people who compete among themselves to be obnoxious and violent without ever having had a negative encounter in their protected lives.

The psychology of mobs has been studied for years by both sides but the solution can only lie in what the national will dictates. Portland has become emblematic of how urban America will look should the next election go the wrong way. Decent people need to make themselves heard at the ballot box or in the streets if necessary.

Personal, family, tribal security are a very high priority in the hierarchy of needs but only appreciated when absent. These goons are illustrating their contempt for our values and providing ample warning if people would pay attention.


mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC