Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Originally Posted by visalia6mm
How do you keep these azzholoes outta the garden..

You gotta quit hatin' on it.
It can sense those negative vibrations, man.
I'm telling you, animals have uncanny senses.
Every time you squeeze off a shot of subsonic, it can sense the sound vibrations whizzing by him.

Take it from me. You need to change your approach.
Start sharing the love man.
Love is that universal language of ALL little critters!

Everything loves peanut butter.
Take a spoonful and share the love.
Next, set a reinforced box trap with some of that kind mouthwatering sweet peanut butter goodness as bait.
You can then become best friends and keep em as a pet..or
Relocate him with that open jar and give a farewell meal ...or
Eat em.
No use letting good ground squirrel go to waste.
After all, you plumped him up with organic feed and free range goodness.
Here in West Virginia, we love those things.....for dinner.

Thank you, Hannibal Lecter


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”