Originally Posted by CashisKing
Originally Posted by CCCC
That's a bit interesting - thanks - and surely there is a lot more that is not being "reported" by some who should - because the overall actualities do not fit the agenda of those who are manipulating this situation for their own purposes.

But, I think under-reporting or not-reporting certain disadvantageous aspects is a much smaller problem than the data issue - there seems no sensible or dependable way to get a true handle on such things as number of cases detected, number actually being hospitalized/treated for actual Covid 19 and the number who actually die from this virus. Some of the mess is caused by sloppy record-keeping, some of it is sloppy diagnostic reporting, some of it is due to lack of adherence to any common and sensible set of criteria across all jurisdictions, some of it is due to manipulation for whatever purposes, and some due to ??.

I am willing to bet that NEVER will there be an accurate base of data on which to analyze any one of several important factors in this mess. So - how can anyone - even any of the parade of "experts" - actually know really has been, where things are, and where it is going to lead? Plenty ot posturing, plenty of speculation, plenty of opinion, plenty of manipulation - zero confidence in predictions.

I saw a study two weeks ago that spoke about mortality numbers being much higher amongst the obese, people with existing respiratory problems and absolutely people with higher cholesterol numbers.

I have been seeing an orthopedic doc about my knee. He and I have had several in-depth conversations about the bologna virus. He convinced me of a cholesterol reducing regiment that he is on involving red Marine algae. 500mg

My cholesterol is high anyway so I figured I'd give the stuff a try. 3 days in and I already feel better. Apparently the Marine algae is incredibly beneficial to reduce cholesterol and the fat build-up in respiratory tracts... this in turn makes any virus weaker in its ability to attack and spread Wholesale in your lungs.

Who knows if my feeling better is psychosomatic or actual? I do know that the algae is dang cheap and I see absolutely no downside to taking it.

Your mileage may vary.

Know what the possible side effects can be especially in older people.

Not knowing can vary your mileage.

The degree of my privacy is no business of yours.

What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.