Unfortunately it's not just Muslims who do this. My eyes and ears were opened wider in 1987 when I worked a Hunter Education camp. The Stampede Boys Ranch brought about 20 of their finest for us to teach firearms safety and shooting, fire building, emergency shelter building, camping etc.

These 12-15 year old boys had been sent to the Ranch by the juvenile court system. In between sessions I overheard the boys talking. Teasing Johnny about (trying?) raping a cat. Another about catching a gopher and torturing it with a staple gun before stapling it to a board. Arson, drugs, you name it. Many of the boys were abused themselves. Many were native.

I could see that most were destined for a life of crime, but some had some decency, just a long shot of getting out of the system. Others, I wondered why we were letting them handle firearms, knives, axes and matches. I could never work at that ranch.

Best thing I learned from those days was learning how to really spit by observing a 12 year old who had been a chewing tobacco/Copenhagen user. The kid could spit!