Originally Posted by Rooster7
The left is relying heavily on the "Anybody but Trump" crowd. These are the sheep that have no intention of looking at facts. They just hear "Anybody but Trump" and they're like "YAAA ANYBODY BUT TRUMP!"

These mindless fools could cause problems along with the cheating that the dims WILL do. Kind of scary, really.

I have a half-sister who is a militant lesbian and who was a victim of incest as a teenager (had a child with her grandfather on her dad's side). She's always been an advocate for victims of childhood sexual abuse, but is a died in the wool democrat. She posted a couple of days ago about voting Trump out of office in November and supporting Biden. I hit her back with videos of Creepy Joe and her response was that Trump talked about grabbing women by the pussy. Well, he isn't diddling kids. She's also one saying if you vote for Trump you're racist, homophobic, misogynistic, etc., etc., etc. What does that make you if you vote for Biden?? Their hypocrisy is stunning.