Originally Posted by RockyRaab
They have just about 90 days until the election. In that time, Seattle would predictably turn into a third-world anarchist cesspool. Crime gangs would immediately overcome those civilian "safety" groups. And as the city goes up in flames, President Trump will only have to say, "THIS is what happens when you vote Democrat."

Because that will be the truth.

I'd love to see the BLM protesters go into full riot mode in places like Seattle and Portland and then have the police refuse to intervene, since they haven't had sufficient training in deescalation yet. Burn down MicroSoft and all of the other companies that support BLM.

The truth is that most homicides are inter-racial and around 90% of AAs are murdered by other AAs and many of those acts are gang and/or drug related.

Despite what Beonce says, Black is not King.