Originally Posted by g5m
And they want you to take it? Right. Let's get right on that bus......



Just for everyone's information ALL vaccines are liability exempt.

They have a "vaccine court" set up with mostly tax $ and vaccine company judges to hear cases of deaths and serious neurological damage from their poisonings. Nobody knows about them except those in the loop. There's a short statute of limitations which weeds out most claims...over 90%.
Even with that, doctors, nurses push the poison worse than a dirty heroine pusher / pimp.....all exempt.
Pharma companies....all exempt.

If you went to a gas station and the attendant said for $100 one of these pumps has gasoline, the others water. But one lucky winner will get a tank full of sticky coolaid that will gum up the engine. Would any of you shop there?

Then why would someone trust a drug pusher to inject you with harmful chemicals that won't destroy your car engine....no, but it might just kill you. At best it will be like water in the tank.

Last edited by Happy_Camper; 08/03/20.