Originally Posted by g5m
Originally Posted by Happy_Camper


Vaccine Pioneer Admits Adding Cancer Causing Virus to Vaccines

Did you know that the vaccines are the only classification of substances produced that have special legal status? Of course the one you pointed to with the links. Good info!
The rest fall under the same situation/jurisdiction.
If you have children that die or are permanently brain damaged from their deadly concoction, there's no legal recourse other than the pharma run kangaroo court.
Then, the people who murdered your child with the poison are not triable in any criminal nor civil court.
You have a slim chance, but may win a settlement coming from tax payers and a side pharma contribution slush fund. Congress was paid off by pharmaceutical companies to do this.

Did you know that?
Let me know what you think about the video later.

Interesting video for sure. I remember the story about the monkeys spreading the disease among the others in the labs.I certainly had no information about viral contaminants of vaccines.
Vaccines go back to the cow pox/ small pox era. But, these new vaccines, as indicated in your linked video, cause me to have concern. Especially the RNA vaccines, which is what the corona vaccine(s) will be.
Yes, I did know about the immunity granted by Congress. I just posted about it for the sake of information since the world has been turned upside down by this covid experience.

That's good. We need more informed men like you leading local communities in the right direction. I think the big picture is overwhelming considering the amount of money big pharma/ medical industrial complex puts into advertising and propaganda campaigns. It's near impossible to convince those here. But, we can encourage each other, take a stand and lead those who are friends and family ....maybe county commissioners too.