Caleb Reed, a 17-year-old student activist from Mather High School in Chicago, was found shot in the head on Friday.

The teen’s death comes just weeks after he publicly called for the district to remove police from district school

The teen, a leader with student group Voices of Youth in Chicago Education, was an advocate of removing police from Chicago schools.

No suspect have been named in Reed’s death at the time of this reporting.

‘I’m proud to be a black young man’

ust weeks ago, Reed spoke at a board of education meeting in support of removing police from the district. During the meeting, he recalled his own experience with officers in his school.

During the meeting, Reed said, “My sophomore year of high school I was arrested for attending a basketball game because I didn’t have my ID. I sat in a police station for six hours. I knew it wasn’t right at all, but inside I was angry, confused.

Son of a liberal: " What did you do in the War On Terror, Daddy?"

Liberal father: " I fought the Americans, along with all the other liberals."