Originally Posted by johnw
I know of no dog more fun and lovable than a beagle. <snip>

If you can live like this you'll have a dog that will tussle ferociously all day long with the older kids, snuggle all day long with the younger kids, and sleep like a rock snuggled in the small of your back.
And varmints will be few on your home place.

Originally Posted by Uncle_Alvah
I have had Beagles for years. They are my breed.
I find females to be a bit more "manageable" than males.
IMO, all effective Beagle training involves the extensive use of treats. Beagles are essentially a nose hard-wired to a stomach.

YES to the above!

Beagles aren't perfect, but a beagle is a great dog for kids!

This thread is a great contrast to the the latest Pit Bull thread on the 'Fire LINK-- even without reading it, you know that it is going to be about one or more Pit Bulls killing or mutilating somebody.

A beagle thread, on the other hand, is much more likely to be about how a beagle puppy licked some kid to death! grin
