My grandfather was a milkman for Dellwood daries for 25 years.he had scars on his butt from being bit by peoples dogs.i still have his milk bottle rack with bottles he delievered with,his Dellwood coat ,retirement watch.bunch of little plastic milk bottle caps,rulers,school book covers,etc.i have a picture of of him in his striped overalls and milk bottle carrier in front of the Divco truck,i got sick at school one time and he came and picked me up in it,drove it through the parking lot,across the playground and right up to the door.i was in the nurses office and i heard all the kids yelling about the milk truck in the playground.i heard the secratary tell him,"you can t park that there!" "I m here for a sick child lady!" And he just went right by her.i told the nurse,"thats Pop Pop now".he used to give me rides in it.the drivers seat was on a post that pushed foward so you could jump in and out.i remember him shoveling lots of ice into the back of it in a drive in ice house, and then cleaning it out when he got back.still have a couple of Dellwood insulated milk boxes around too.he retired in 1972.home delivery ended here shortly after that.