Originally Posted by Spotshooter
You can literally ship them to yourself via UPS (i wouldn’t trust USPS)...

Fly up there and pick them up yourself ... without using a FFL... however you have to be in person, and they have to be shipped to you / yourself.

Meaning - pack them up and get the ready to ship. The day before you fly take them to UPS and ship them... then land and pick them up when they arrive at the other end.

After many decades with a FFL in AK I can tell you UPS SUCKS to AK. They charge more, lose more, break more, and are impossible to get in touch with when you have a problem. USPS trumps them all here. UPS in AK is run on contract by others for the most part. I have had scads of issues with UPS and off the top of my head can remember only one with USPS and that was not really their fault.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.