Originally Posted by Blacktail308
Back in the 80’s while transferring from Kodiak to Clearwater I dropped three handguns in a wardrobe pack while the packers were working in another room of the house. I noted the number on the box and when the shipment was delivered I found that box first and was pleased to find my guns untouched. Back then we were always worried about pilferage and handguns are might tempting, the reason I didn’t want them listed on the manifest. It worked out for me but I guess I’d do it differently today.
I just realized I’m now officially an old guy, telling old sea stories....

I got quite a bit of ammo shipped here that way. The movers told me to put it in a drawer and they would seal it off. They did, and nothing was touched when I saw it a month later delivered to the house. That was almost 9 years ago now, probably wouldn’t do it for people now.