Originally Posted by SPQR70AD
The US was never against communists.

I would argue that the US has consistently been against communism, as has most of Europe. It is the leaders of these nations that have supported communists, having been squeezed by international money power they wield. Churchill is a crystal clear example of that. If you look at all of the propaganda that was needed to get the people of Western nations to fight on the side of the communists that is pretty obvious. Why spend the effort to take a whole country when taking its leaders accomplishes the goal?

Once a Rothschild bank gets its filthy globalist arms around the economy the cause it lost, pending some revolution.

As far as leaders, it tends to be that the ones who oppose communists don't get far enough to make the top seat in any nation. When they get close the money power rolls in and ruins ruins them, or kills them, or failing those they take down the whole country. Oswald Mosley fits the first, John F Kennedy the second, and Augusto Pinochet the third. Many such cases!