Originally Posted by bigsqueeze
Even though Brennan's spox hole says he is not a target for prosecution, does not mean that he will not be in the future pending any further additional incriminating evidence that comes to light..... Here's why...As part of any criminal investigation, Durham needs to "collaborate" what Brennan told him by interviewing others, reviewing docs, timelines and transcripts etc. Durham is looking for discrepancies as any criminal investigator would. Later, somebody might implicate Brennan. Durham is looking for enough evidence of criminal wrong doing that can be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted.

Durham to my knowledge or unless I am just not caught up with whom he has interviewed thus far, has not yet interviewed Comey, Peter Struck Stroke, Lisa Page, Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS, McCabe, Christopher Steele, the 2 FBI agents sent by Comey to the White House to set up Flynn and maybe others. Durham knows there was criminal wrongdoing. Otherwise he would not have changed his investigation into a criminal one early last year. The pieces to this huge puzzle are very extensive.

Imo, if more time is needed to thoroughly investigate in order to insure successful prosecutions of the attempted coup players then so be it.


That's a point many here seem to miss in their rush to the rope. Long-term, what's needed is justice, not more of what's been going on previously, which was the massive abuse of power by Statist thugs.

What fresh Hell is this?