This for yourself or a paid job? Are you experienced dealing with otters?

I have always trapped them with blind sets. Just picked up a few here and there. The first one I trapped was in a foothold set for beaver on a long chain. He was huge, I didn't weigh him but must have been approaching 30#. It was on a beaver crawl out where there was not enough water to drown. It was literally the strangest trapping scenario I've ever seen. It was a small creek turned into a swamp by the beavers clogging a cluvert. very Shallow in most places around the edge. They a bank den about 20 yards from this crawl out which led to a massive pile of mud about 10-15' out of the water. It was 15' or so across and 6-7' high. I figured they had no place to get rid of the debris from excavating the den, and so hauled it up on the bank into this massive pile. Never heard of anything like that though. I set a 750 out a couple feet and used sticks to make him put his feet down. expected a beaver but caught the otter. I've caught them on pull outs and bottom edge sets. They respond to shellfish oil trails if you need to go baited.