2016 was the start of changes within American politics, and we are alive to witness it and even participate, if one chooses to.

Corruption in politics isn’t new, it’s always been there, always will be. But, we are living in a time where political corruption is being laid out before us. Not all of it, but chunks large enough to get our teeth into and not let it go.

We are seeing epic levels of greed, influence, social reform and revolts taking shape. Where’s it heading? What does the end of the past and a new beginning going to look like?

I hate the liberal media’s wording of “The New Normal”. Struggle isn’t NEW to Americans, we’ve always struggled to become something more, something bigger, something better.

I believe the differences lie in what each side considers better.

My better is freedom of choices for myself without infringement by others who want to control my health, wealth and safety.

Ownership and responsibility for my decision being on me, not others.

Hand ups to those who want to better their lives, and demonstrate it - Not continue a meager existence provided by government through our taxes.

Better for me is a government that works within its legal boundaries and politicians elected to serve, driven, not by a ability to prosper financially, but to serve in a process to improve America and Americans lives through equal and fair justice.

The End


Liberalism, Socialism, and Communism isn’t the answer.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”