Originally Posted by hookeye
Hes a grumpy old bastid LOL
With cooler temps he should get out more to the range.
Should help his disposition.

As long as he still sends lead down range I figure he should keep all his stuff (or sell whatever he wants to).
If he sells it all tomorrow, that's cool.

My concern is his possible future medical expenses, and IMHO his stuff could be sold for that (if need be

Considering the cost of the medical $ system, those won't begin to cover the costs. Typically, the hospitals are rigged to syphon as much gas out of that tank as possible.

My health care system is the ounce of healthy prevention. The day that my dad got wobbly was a death sentence. I made the mistake of taking him in for testing. Thought it was the right thing to do. How wrong I was. He didn't die from the issue of wobbly....that was the meds.... I should have carefully took him off the Rx according to my Dr., hydrated, etc. per a healthy protocol that my current Physician recommends.