Ted has already turned down the offer from Trump- preferring to make change at the legislative level by fighting the conservative fight. Judging by his demeanor since the election, I agree we need him right where he is....

I've watched Amy Barret on videos and interviews and she is a very impressive jurist. Strictly constitutional, which means she won't be making law from the bench such as RBG seemed to try to do along with the other activist justices... I think she would be a excellent pick and would possible pass much easier than Kavanaugh... I would think it would be unthinkable for the democrats to put a woman nominee through the same BS they put Kavanaugh through in the last appointment....

The biggest problem at the moment is that Mitt Romney will undoubtedly spite Trump by voting against any appointment he puts forward regardless of the qualifications. McMurtry and Collins have said they won't vote on a nominee until after the election or the inaugaration, depending on who wins the election. So, with only a 2 vote Senate majority, seating a Supreme Court justice any time soon is problematic at the moment unless McConnel can rally the votes somehow.. there is a tiny chance he has a couple democrat votes in his pocket but he isn't letting on what his game plan on except for he has promised to bring the nominee to a vote...

This is going to get ugly no matter what happens but I hope he gets it done sooner rather than later...

Never underestimate your ability to overestimate your ability.