Originally Posted by shaman
Scoff if you like, but I at least know one fellow that would disagree with y'all.

There is a fellow that we know. I'm forgetting the exact details here. However, he served in some form of Special Forces in Vietnam, Panama and Grenada. In Nam, his group actually preferred Mini-14 over the M-16. He said they found them easier to operate and more reliable. The accuracy issues were not a problem; it was fine for the close ranges they encountered.

I never got the full skinny on what he did in Vietnam. However, I do know he caught a bayonet in Grenada and manage to return the favor to the Cuban that was on the other end. The vet guys in our group agree he is the real deal. He keeps a poodle as a service dog, and is squirrelly from serious PTSD.

We own 2 stainless Mini-14, of early 2000's vintage. One is scoped the other is not. At 100 yards and under, we get good accuracy out of both. This was before the design changes. #2 son acquired a Min-30 a while back and was ringing a gong at 200 yards on his first attempt with cheap ammo. I honestly don't see why all the hate.

I'm a relatively new AR owner. I acquired one over the winter. I can see pros and cons to both. As a guy who is used to hunting rifles and an M1 Garand, the Mini-14 is a bit more comfortable to hold and operate. I like them both. KYHillChick loves her Stainless Ranch. It's her favorite.
His group must be time-travelers then because the Mini didn't come out until 1973, which was the last year of the Vietnam War.

You may be thinking of the M-14 which was used extensively in the early days of the conflict. The Mini is designed from the M-14 but is significantly smaller.