Originally Posted by Dixie_Dude
Stores would not stay open on Sunday's if all Christians would start staying home on Sunday's with their families. Alabama stores had to close on Sunday's until the late 70's. Pharmacy's, gas stations, restaurants, and motels were exempt for people traveling. So, Walmart, K-mart, and others started having pharmacies inside, and selling gas. Some Super Walmarts had restaurants inside. Many states in the south had these so called blue laws. Eventually grocery stores used the food exemption with ready to eat foods prepared in the stores and started staying open. Then the local mall started opening from 1pm - 6pm on Sunday's. No one said anything and finally the state did away with the blue laws.

People once (1950's) went to church on Sunday, and had a family dinner with the whole family on Sunday afternoons. Eventually jobs moved kids around the country, people started traveling more, spending weekends at the lake somewhere, etc. and quit going to church. Country has been going downhill ever sense. I hated working on Sunday's when I was a kid while going to college.

Some Christians can read the Ten Comandments, and recognize the Seventh Day. They appreciate stores which are open on Sunday.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.