Wow! Just wow!

I have moose to cut up and should be doing that. Been a large part of four so far and one more is likely to die this week.

Turpentine does not bond with the oil, period. It evaporates almost completely. Cleaner, more expensive, lab grade versions leave almost nothing behind. Most leave some gum and resin. without a link to your info I cannot research where your source failed, nor do I really care to. It is certainly another internet whiz.

Tung oil is absolutely not different from linseed oil in use. It is not more waterproof and in point of fact, neither is as waterproof as bare wood. Atmospheric water is attracted by the cured oil and absorbed. I have personally confirmed this with finish tests on 1" walnut cubes many hundreds of times. And neither yellows more than the other, period.

The surface is absolutely not rougher than linseed and there is no difference in sheen. That is beyond laughable, really...

Please elucidate the concept of leaving fats and lipids in oils... (note to the Department of Redundancy Department... x 2)... The important stuff is mostly fatty acids... especially linoleic acid. The word linoleum comes from the root, hint.

There is more I could comment on but you assuredly will continue rubbing one out on the next full moon...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.