Originally Posted by jimy
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by jimy
The only thing that will change black lives in America is a change in the education system, black schools are a disgrace, and the lack of an education is holding all so many back, charter schools, smaller class rooms and an plan to learn or get removed, proceed or leave, no more of all day babysitting.

Black schools are a disgrace because blacks make them that way.

Why do you think that fixing blacks should be the white man's burden?

If Blacks were capable and willing to do what you want to be done to "fix" them, they would do it themselves.

They aren't, they don't.

That's right the blacks, have messed them up, but there are good teachers , black and white , we need good schools with code of disaplean, you at up and you are out, back to getto high, that could make a difference if we would end the outside influences, not all black people want their kids to be ignorant drug dealers or street whores, its those parents and their kids that we can help, help them and they will in turn help themselves .

And your right it is not all the white mans burden its Americas, only the educated pay taxes !

The reason that heavily much less predominantly black schools suck is the direct result of the parents. Good parents take an active role in what there kids are learning, setting expectations for grades and getting homework done on time, have curfews for there kids, have a good idea who there hanging out with ect. Good parents generally have there own sh1t more or less together and live in communities with other people that do.
The schools are “good schools” because the kids come from mostly decent good families. Parents that raise there kids in Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore ect and send there kids to those public schools. Are generally some of the dumbest, most fugged up, substance abuse attics in the country. That’s why they live in those violent, drug infested, filthy ghettos. With parents or a single mom of several and baby daddies in prison combined with a low IQ no amount of money being dumped into the school is going to fix it.
If the schools set the same level of student behavior and academic standards for those schools as a typical suburban one they’d not have any students left.