Originally Posted by Scott_Thornley
Originally Posted by Backroads

Line weight is a calculation of weight in grains that the first 30 feet of fly line weighs. When the line is a bit overweighted, it requires less of it out the tip of the rod to properly load said rod. If underlined, it will require more that the average 30 ft out the tip to load it.

So, If I don't have 30' of line out of the rod tip, then my rod is not going to load properly? I have a massive problem then as I use a 2wt line on a 2wt fiberglass rod, fishing pocket water at a grand total of 15' of distance from the fish. Doing the math, that means about 4' of line outside the rod tip. Yet it works a treat. The same rod/line combination works well fishing for bluegill at 30'. More math tells me there's less than 20' of line outside the tip. And yet I get nice happy loops with both dries and wets. Worse yet, the rod feels nicely loaded!!

Please tell me what am I doing wrong? I mean, your scales tell me I'm from significantly to impossibly underlined in these scenarios. Should I burn incense and leave an offering to Lefty, hoping that he will provide me with inspiration from the afterlife? My casting must be ultra fubared, if I can cast such an underlined rod. Too much slow, not enough fast? The inverse? Too wristy? Not sliding the hand on the shelf? I mean, what am I doing wrong?? Cuz I must be doing something wrong, if the load I have is so minimal, and yet it still works.

Awaiting your response eagerly,

In a perfect World...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.