A Boyd plywood handle,would nip a bunch and fast track the pending Chassis War. Hint.(grin)

That aside,you have serious atmospheric advantages over I and like erector travel,from a like zero,with like ammo,is going to grant you Long Range opportunities that I simply can't get to. 52 Mils all in for me is 725yds and you get an extry 50yds out of the deal with a like correction,which would require another 6 mil's of ele correction for me to reach. Must be nice?!? Hint.

There is nothing as FUN,as Long Range Rimfire Pursuits. A rifle in which you have ultimate faith within,only sweetens the pot and there is no better way to increase wind reading skills. Hint.

You're hooked and don't even know it yet...................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."