Originally Posted by wldthg
For all those people that commit on Remington Model 7----- Short baseball Bat unbalanced POS and wouldn't own one. Many a hunter here in the Northeast love them. 18" to 20" pipe lightweight. unbalanced for shooting bucks at 50 yds.? Walk into a guns shop and see how many are used for sale on the racks. ----- A hunting rifle is a tool that one uses to do a certain job. Some are supermodels made to admire. Tack hammers and sledge hammers serve their purpose. Model 7-- light weight mountain climbing --thick woods 50 yd buck killer----- my opinion---- Web
Not much of an endorsement. I worked behind the counter of a Northeast gun shop for years and can tell you for a fact the vast majority of Northeast hunters don't know jack about rifles and can't shoot for shyt with anything. They haven't a clue whether the rifle they use is well balanced, well suited to the hunting they do or whether they might be able to do better with something else.