I have a 660 Rhino, and while our engines are different, the Rhinos are fairly similar.

I found Yamaha products to be generally very good. They have high consumer ratings. About like Honda. Higher than most other brands.

I find mine noisy. Engine noise, especially when going fast. It’s hard to have a conversation with a passenger.

Windshields are a pro and con situation. Helps with the wind and rain but attract dust and make vision not as good. And they scratch easily as they are plastic so over time get harder to see through.

Adding a roof is all upsides in my book.

Mine has offset rims because that’s the way I bought it. Previous owner (my mechanic brother in law - BIL) didn’t like spacers but wanted a wider stance on the Rhino for safety.

BIL installed a stereo. I find the Rhino so noisy that I can’t hear the stereo and never use it. Unless I am parked and drinking a beverage.

Your older tires might be a concern as rubber ages. At some point you might have a tire failure - hope it’s not too far from “home.” It happened to me as the tire on mine were about as old as yours.

I had the fuel pump go out at about 2100 miles. Apparently they are somewhat problematic and prone to failure. I went with an upgraded after market as opposed to the Yamaha fuel pump. I put in a Makusni(spelling?). Fairly easy to install.

BIL installed an after market duster gizmo thing behind the seats to help with the dust issue as dust will be an issue especially if you install a windshield. The duster I guess helps - he said it helped but I still get as dusty as fugh.

My BIL installed second row seats. They work but not much leg room for the passengers. I wouldn’t install one in yours unless you really are gonna have regular passengers. Also with the passengers, you are closing in on the weight limit and obviously the handling characteristics change. You will scrape bottom on rough, rocky terrain.

I would think your Rhino wouldn’t be a speed demon - especially with added weight of passengers. I find my top end is about 41MPH at 7,000 feet with one passenger.

Last edited by flagstaff; 10/17/20.

"Successful is leaving something in better shape than you inherited it in. Keep that in mind, son." Dad