I was 13 . Not first-hand/in person but Watching the 6PM News with my dad ( 1966) Daily Vietnam War "reporting". They showed a "push" ARVN and an American Advisor made in some area. Anyhow, they claimed they "could not take any prisoners with them and no airlift available", so two ARVN stretched out a VC prisoner on his back, hands over his head, and one plunged a K-Bar into his diaphragm, angling up into his heart. Once, struggled to get it out, plunged in a second time. It must have made someone mad in the govt as I never saw anything like that again until the TET "reporting" (1968), then they really played the South Vietnamese Police Chief shoot that one VC in the head with his .38. In person, saw alot of accidental deaths on highway and in the oil fields." But no murders, thank God. Life is short...shorter for some than others." Gus McCray