Some of the greatest damage done to vets, and I am talking across all the 30 or so 1st world/free countries is the assumption they all nhave mental illness. While a certain % do, it is still not the norm. However its gotten to the point the public believes 'every one' of them has severe PTSD. Turning out to be as detrimental as war service. Stereoptyped as "being mentally ill" just due to the job you did. Doesnt help job prospects, relationships and sense of self worth.

In the day you were told you could feel down after deployments, common post deployment fatigue but dont drink too much, interact, keep working and most people would come back online. If you didnt after that, THEN you went into see the doc. Now first sign of trouble they hit the soldiers with heavy meds. The 'PTSD liability snowball', has docs worried that soldier might be the one that kills himself. Some of those meds are very heavy hammers. Ive had buddies presenting with mild depression put onto anti depressants and somehow end up Psychotic on anti psychotics. its not an acceptable treatment path. They are starting to push back against this now, which is good, less drugs, less brain mushing.

Just my 2 cents on respecting vets. Dont believe everything Hollywood or mainstream media tells you.