Originally Posted by Magnum_Bob
Ask the Gunwriters is a place on the Campfire where members get a chance to talk with gunwriters, get the benefit of their experience and exchange ideas and knowledge. It's right at the top of the 24 hr campfire forums I visit and value highly.

30 years ago no one had this access to these people except a select few of their immediate friends on a 2 way basis short of writing letters and hoping you would get a reply. I don't think I am alone in my value of what I can learn here.

It's allright to have your own ideas but if you think they are the only good ones , be prepared to defend them with facts and valid experience for everyone has the right to their own opinion. I personally would hate to see this forum come to an end because people have alienated the gunwriters here with rude behavior even though they can do better.

J WALL your out of line ,way out. You would not tolerate anyone talking to you like you have talked to Steve R so think about it and try to treat people with the respect they deserve or take your crap over to the campfire where it probably don't belong either. Magnum_Bob

Mr. Bob I agree with your first 3 paragraphs complettly. I have said more than once that I 'appreciate' the opportunity to have exchanges with Gun Writers and people in the business. They have far wider experiences than I and many here.

I also respect YOUR right and that of all of us to have differing opinions, sometimes because of our diff experiences.
You have the right to your opinion and I RESPECT that.

OTOH I have the same right. None of us deserve to be 'trolled'. Unfortunately trolling does occur here on the 'Fire'.

I DO NOT nor HAVE NOT trolled anyone. I don't follow anyone to criticise or mock them.

I will not lay down or bend over or allow ANYONE -- anyone -- to trample and criticise me WITHOUT due cause.
I reserve the RIGHT to defend myself or fight back if needed.

This is just the last occasion where S R has entered a discussion NOT involving himself and MOCKED me and
I'M TIRED of it.
I never open his threads. I never follow his posts and especially check to see if I have occasion to criticize or mock him.
W/O using the ignore feature, I simply SKIP his posts. He refuses to return that privilege.

IF he will leave me ALONE..... I promise I will CONTINUE to leave him alone

That is the best I can do and all I promise to do regarding trolls.

I hope you and others can understand and if not that is your right too.

I will NOT apologize for defending myself. I don't expect others to apologize for the same thing. I do not go looking for


jwall- *** 3100 guy***

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