Peaceful protest? So you want to beg a bunch of criminals to stop committing crimes? How retarded does that sound? Protests don't work, and amount to you stating you are a slave who is begging your master for better treatment. Did the Founding Fathers advocate for peaceful protest? They certainly advocated for petitioning the government for redress of grievances, but has your government been responsive? Do you imagine a whole bunch of people protesting is going to help? How much difference did an armed protest make in Virginia? What are you going to protest, if not the criminal activity that both parties are either passively accepting or openly contriving?

In my opinion, the time for protesting elections fraud and voter fraud was several elections ago. We have passively accepted it over the last 20 years, at least. Now it's so prolific that it has changed the course of the future of the nation. Begging for secure, transparent, and utterly valid voting and vote-counting now that our Republic is lost seems pretty silly to me.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.