I think it's great. That said, it's like so many other things. It's evident that it should be legal to shoot thieves. We've gotten so into the mindset that only an overt, blatant threat to life and limb warrants the use of deadly force, and that is simply not so. Some pogue stealing your kid's bike out of your yard may not merit it, but thievery is basically evil because it steals not only somebody's labor but also their very livelihood...essentially it threatens their life on down the road. You steal somebody's chickens enough and in a backwoods type environment, you are threatening their life due to starvation. The North beat the South in no small part due to Sherman's scavengers picking the country clean of what little was left and soldiers deserting Jeff Davis' army in order to go home and provide for their people. Home folks got to eat.

There can ultimately be no order if stealing is allowed and its went on way too long in this country. There also should be no legal recourse to survivors wounded in a theft attempt or their dirty-dog relatives looking to scam the courts after a legal shooting.