Awesome man gone on, and heaven is richer for it. May those he left behind be comforted by the memories of his life. And I hope you receive something of his that will be a pleasant reminder of your time with him. Such things matter.

I got a vintage ad poster for the Remington Model 8 that I had loved since I was a little child when my grandfather died last week, and also a drop leaf antique table and chairs that we always ate holiday dinners at. I smile every time my wife and I sit down to a meal at that table, and that framed poster hangs in our living room. I remember eating my breakfast as a little boy while staring at that poster. It hung on the wall of my grandparents’ cafe that was only open for goose season, to serve hunters that flocked to the area. I remember seeing hunters lined up outside in the snow at 5 in the morning, waiting to get in. Every now and then, I meet one of those hunters who remembers the place and my grandparents. Those things carry so many pleasant memories, and are the closest I can get to having my grandparents here with me. It focuses thoughts of them on good times and wonderful memories.