Originally Posted by Old_Toot
On 401Ks and taxes, the government will start slowly and gently by first lowering the age for withdrawals and no penalty, many folks will jump right on that for accessible cash.

Then they’ll move to increase the withdrawal factor to raise your tax base and expedite depletion of the balances .

Then they’ll start removing some of the beneficial options on taking social security.

There’s many ways to do it over time without a direct frontal assault on the retirement accounts and get the desired effect.

Nope, they want access right now to that tax deferred 3.6 Trillion. Either take away tax deferment and/or make all previously deferred taxable at 20-30%. They want to spend 6-8 trillion and have already floated a 4 Trillion tax increase. Look for a value added tax on gas/ oil and electricity of low end 50%.
