Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
My wife has always loved to wear a pair of new socks.
Never had much as a kid, but new socks to her were a treat.

After hearing the chatter here, I bought her some for Chrtistmas.
She loved them.
So she got more for another holiday.
Then bought her own, and she is FRUGAL.

Never tried a pair.
Ain't no dam way I'm paying $20+ for a pair of socks,

Do this for your wife this Christmas and you are good all year

Thanks, but she's good.
Has enough.

Funny thing about the socks.
She has trouble with cold feet and
these things keep them warm, but they don't sweat.
Even if she wears heavier ones on a warmer day.
She often will wear them a couple days.
Something she always gave me heck for.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!