Originally Posted by Wannabebwana
But once restaurants opened up again, we started going out like normal. And we’ve noticed that the food just doesn’t seem to have the same quality

I had a chance to talk to the owner of one of our local places we like about the challenges (Pure Wine).

They have always had a small changing menu but he said some of the local places with big menus have realized that with the reduced volume they simply can't have everything on hand fresh nor do they have the staff to do the prep and such. The ones that he has seen keeping the quality up are the ones that have minimized their menu and focused on some key items.

We eat out perhaps 3-5 times a month if you count picking up a sandwich at the deli and unfortunately we've lost several higher end places we really liked. They mostly had food that wasn't suitable for takeout. Hopefully those voids will be filled but it would take an exceptional risk taker to open a restaurant now.

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