Yes...I agree with the poster who mentioned a Blood Hound or one of the other hounds. That's the first thing I thought of, just coat them up if they are cold. I mean, you're cold right? And you are coated and mittened up. The dog will usually be on a long leash if you are trailing, so you don't have to worry about them getting stuck from briars and stuff.

But, as mentioned above...versatile dogs like the ones tested in Navdha...have a dead track requirement. They have lots of different dogs in styles and size.

The only thing wrong with versatile dogs from my experience (I'm an SM owner) is the drama of various breed clubs and some people worried more about paper than their dogs. For the most part, the owners and breeders are very nice and stable...but there are some out there that really need to add another hobby, or go outside or take some lithium wink