Originally Posted by kroo88
Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Originally Posted by jackmountain
Better be concentrating on keeping the senate.


Really don’t understand this mentality.

They just ran a scam election, and you’re wanting to move on to the next one?


So what's the evidence for a "scam election?" Nothing yet.

And if lthe scam was so effective, how come the Republicans picked up all the seats in the House plus some more in state legislatures?

And even if it was a scam election, it doesn't seem to have been so in Georgia, where the Senate races will take place, and which is a state run by REPUBLICANS.

Nobody but a moron would not want the two Republicans to win in Georgia. It's important to block Biden's Socialism.

Or do you cut off your nose to spite your face?

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.