Originally Posted by Gun_Doc
Hypothetical question:
Not considering the financial and other such security issues, would you fear someone hacking the 'Fire and publishing a list of screen names that listed real names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses?
Not asking or challenging anyone to provide such information. Just asking how upset you would be if such information were revealed?

Looking at the profile it looks like all they could get is (screen name, password, email address) if you were wise and did not put other stuff in there.

Using your screen name and email address hackers can then go off and search large collections of data on the dark web and probably figure out some more information about you. Depends on what you have leaked in other places and whether those other places have been breached. You wold probably end up getting phishing emails. The more they could figure out the more devious the emails may be.

The password is probably stored hashed(a sort of encryption). Even if it's hashed it can be decoded using well know techniques especially since most people create non- random passwords. If you use the same password on other sites you may be putting those other sties logons at risk. Using the same password in multiple sites is not a good idea.

Governments are a whole different story.