Originally Posted by flintlocke
Brother in law calls this weekend from rural La Paz Co Arizona. Mexican guy swipes late model pickup from brother in law's buddy's yard about 5 pm. The swipee, late 70's in age, in a Jeep, pursues the swiper Mexican in stolen pickup, hot pursuit about 10 miles at high speed on 2 lane highway. The swipee is a very experienced off road racing competitor and he performs a PIT maneuver and the stolen pickup spins out of control off the highway. Mexican swiper flees scene into a pistachio orchard...in the meantime the swipee has called the brother in law, he arrives at the scene, .44 Blackhawk in hand, says, I'll see if I can apprehend the Mex...you stay here until the sheriff arrives. So 74 yr old bil is not keeping up with the Mex, he fires a shot in the air and hollers 'alto'...to no avail, Mex can't drive too well but he can run. Cops nab Mex a half hour later, hitchhiking. Cutting most of the dialogue out, cops issue speeding ticket to the swipee, chew ass over endangering the motoring public, temporarily confiscate the bil's Blackhawk to "check legal ownership" and chew ass about the dangers of firing a firearm in the air in farm country where people could get hit when the bullet returns to earth. Mexican released on 3,000 bail and has disappeared already. Land of the free, and home of the brave. Free stuff and brave wetbacks.

That sound rugged up but not the least bit surprising. Who ratted on him for firing a shot?


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