The government backing/guaranteeing of student debt is probably the single most responsible occurrence for the a) increase in the costs of higher education; and, b) the lack of "quality education". The forgiveness of the debt would be absurd and should never occur. Universities and universities alone should be the only entities which should guarantee student debt. If they want to do that, so be it. I think we would see a large change in the quality of the education provided. It wouldn't be immediate; but, in my opinion, it would be a necessary and unavoidable consequence/benefit. Then, the universities themselves could determine whether the risk of financing a degree in "Left-handed, Self-loathing Whiteness Studies" and other such absurdities were worth the cost based on the job market prospects for such recipients of said major and associated degree.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck