Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by Trystan
Fellas please keep in mind that even if other states do not follow suit this is still a huge win!

Ah, it's not a win. It's a loss. A loss is the opposite of a win. You lost. Trump lost. Again.

How many times will you guys be the losers? There really is no ceiling too high for you guys, when it comes to losing.

Your delusion is not my reality OK! I realize that's hard for a bean counter to comprehend!

I am kinda curious though?

Do you know who supreme court justice Brett KAVANAUGH is?

Or maybe you know our newest supreme court Justice Amy Coney Barett?

Or perhaps your smart enough to figure out why a majority for convervatives in the supreme court is a very bad situation for liberals?

I hate to rub your bean counting stupidity in your face but if forces to perhaps I will look up in 2016 when you amphetically stated with quivering knees that........


Ok you stupid little cocksoxxor we all believe you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😎😂😎😎😂😎😎😎😎

Good bullets properly placed always work, but not everyone knows what good bullets are, or can reliably place them in the field