Originally Posted by Tarquin

No faith whatsoever, but claims have to be based on facts.

Or alternative facts if you're drinking the right koolaid.

I refuse to get involved in political squabbles here but find the site offers a interesting view of the sold out MAGA base.

Everyone has the right to follow whichever political candidates they choose to believe in and best align with, that doesn't make them a enemy or any less proud Americans if their views differ from the next guy, it just shows they have different priorities and opinions.

I lost faith in the Republican voting base in this country when the country was in economic kaous and they had the option to run Romney as a candidate or McCain. Romney was a proven financial wizard, McCain claimed not to be in his own words while campaigning. The end result gave us Obama for 8 years.

Next came the Trump/Clinton race, I didn't care for either.
Clinton was a obvious unelectable zero and Trump, was Trump just as he has always been. I just personally never cared for Trump's arrogance and sure never understood the idea of placing a non-politicaian in a political office. To me it was like saying I want a mechanic to build my next house because I am tired of all these carpenters. A guy has to know what makes political wheels turn, they need to be experienced.
Here we are four years later and we still don't have a wall on our southern border and we still have Obamacare, that pretty much shows how that works.

(Flame on, facts are facts)

What some seem oblivious of is that the in the last 4 presidential elections in this country the popular vote has leaned Democratic. That's 16 years of the people saying they ain't buying what the GOPs selling.
If they continue to cast blame and cling to the weakest of conspiracy theories to find support nothing is going to change. The my way or no way theory just isn't working in a country of mixed priorities and ideas, middle ground is going to be required.

Another thing some don't seem capable of getting their heads wrapped around is the amount of voters that are not casting a vote for who they want in office but are voting against who they don't want. The people didn't love Hillary or Biden they just didn't like their option.

The current situation is just plum crazy.
Trump could start his own religion with the base he has clinging to his every word like some cult following and I wouldn't blame him if he did.
He's positioned to wring every dime he can out of the base he has radicalized and then Jim Jones them right off a cliff.
He is a man that will take advantage of a obvious financial opportunity, he always has and doesn't deny it. Why should he, I'd do the same.

Thinking those sold out to him might change their minds is like thinking a Southern Baptist is going to convert to a Muslim belief, it just ain't gonna happen.

Everybody's got a right to believe and follow whom and what every they choose, it's American, it's what it's all about.
If they feel the need to endlessly post their beliefs and opinions here so be it, it's their right.

Each and every one of them will have my respect regardless of how they may feel about my views.