Originally Posted by JB in SC
Originally Posted by Godogs57
Originally Posted by Razorhog

You are 100% correct. I watched it for a couple of minutes and turned the channel in disgust. Also they " caught " an African Rock Python which, as you know, is a different species from the Burmese. I don't believe Crutchfield had any rocks escape when the hurricane hit that I know about. Maybe ................ Oh well, its sad to see what the gator show has turned into.

Saw that rock python too. When I was at University of Georgia my next door buddy in our dorm was from Zaire. He’d bring back all sorts of critters every fall from home and sell em to local pet shops to pay for his tuition. African Gray parrots ($$$$$$) various snakes and such. They quarantine for 30 days before they’d be turned over to him. He left early for Christmas break one year and left a bag full of snakes on my bed telling me to do something with em, or keep em for myself. There were about a dozen African Rocks in that bag. I’m pretty experienced with big snakes and took it on as a project to fatten em up, tame em down and let a pet shop have em. I swear, those were the meanest snakes I’ve ever encountered in my life. I never got a single one of em to tame down. They about ate me alive.

Those African Grays were all the rage in the 80’s. Brought big prices even then. Most were captured adults I think, and didn’t talk a lot. One of my friends has one that he hand raised and that thing has a vocabulary better than some kids. It mimics a ringing telephone when it wants attention which is pretty annoying.

Oh yeah! They are capable of having a fantastic vocabulary. The one we kept in the dorm was taught both English and French (Zaire’s language). Smart little guy.

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